Instructions were found here

Commands are

mount --bind /mnt/disk0 /srv/nfs4/disk0
systemctl start rpc-idmapd
systemctl start rpc-mountd
systemctl enable rpc-idmapd
systemctl enable rpc-mountd

My experience so far with NFS indicates that it will require a lot of tuning to get a good experience. Therefore, I abandoned it in favor of sshfs, which seems to work a lot faster and is easier to set up. Not sure why it’s faster, because it shouldn’t be, but anyways I don’t have a lot of time right now so there you go.

What I did was use autossh to create a persistent sshfs connection and then create a systemd user service to keep the thing open. Here’s what I did:

First, make the mountpoints

mkdir -p $HOME/mnt/disk0
mkdir -p $HOME/mnt/disk1

Then create the corresponding entries in ~/.config/systemd/user

touch $HOME/
touch $HOME/

Edit these two to make sshfs go through autossh. I don’t know if all the parameters are correct, but whatever, it works.

Description=sshfs lab0

ExecStart=/usr/bin/sshfs -o
-M 0' awebster@ $HOME/mnt/disk0


Note that all the junk after the [Service] tag is on ONE LINE!